FRAME at Schmuck in Munich
28 February until 3 March 2024
FRAME at Schmuck, a selection of renowned contemporary art jewellery galleries, is positioned around the most prominent exhibitions at Schmuck in Munich: SCHMUCK, EXEMPLA and TALENTE.
Since 1959 the Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern has presented the special exhibition SCHMUCK at the International Trade Fair in Munich (IHM). The International Trade Fair is the centre of a multitude of activities and exhibitions across Munich during Schmuck and is the hub and meeting place for artists, collectors and curators in the field of contemporary art jewellery.
Meet us at FRAME in Halle B1 - Entrance West - opposite the special exhibition SCHMUCK from Wednesday 28 February until Sunday 3 March 2024 (open from 9.30 until 18.00).
how to get there