Dorothea Prühl
Ornament and Sculpture
New book and touring exhibition
In December 2019, artist Dorothea Prühl was honoured with the Art Prize of the State of Saxony-Anhalt for her life’s work. The Minister of Culture, Rainer Robra, presented the prize on 5 December at the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale).
The exhibition associated with the prize, Ornament and Sculpture. New Works by Dorothea Prühl, can be seen at Kunstmuseum Moritzburg until 30 August 2020. It will then be shown at CODA Museum in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands between 22 March and 29 August 2021 and at the Gerhard-Marks-Haus in Bremen in Germany from 7 November 2021 to 13 February 2022.
Check the website of the Coda Museum and the Gerhard-Marks-Haus for the most recent information and dates of the exhibition.
Ornament and Sculpture, a new book chronicling the life and work of Dorothea Prühl, was published in July 2020.
You can purchase a copy here.