Schools Projects

Schools Projects

Since 1998, Galerie Marzee has run a series of five-year projects with students from a selected school or art academy. The students choose the concept for their­ project and the modes of display for the resulting five annual exhibitions of work they have produced during each year.

2017 to date: 3 im Weggla, 6 auf Kraut
Suska Mackert’s class, Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Germany

2014-2017: Baggage – Coffee & Tea
Teng Fei’s class, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China and Iris Eichenberg’s class, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, USA

2008-2013: Effe Kijken (Let’s Have a Look)
Hans Stofer’s class, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2003-2007: Tatort (Crime Scene) – Mark your Territory
Otto Künzli’s class, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich, Germany

1998-2002: Feldversuch (Field Trial)
Dorothea Prühl’s class, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art & Design Halle, Germany