SCHMUCK is a special exhibition at the Internationale Handwerksmesse (IHM) in Munich (Germany) since 1959. Organised by the Handwerkskammer for Munich and Upper Bavaria, the exhibition SCHMUCK has become the world’s most prestigious exhibition for modern art jewellery which under auspiciën of the Handwerkskammer has grown to become the largest event in the world for modern art jewellery with exhibitions and events everywhere in the city of Münich collectively named ‘Munich Jewellery Week’.
The brochure by the Handwerkskammer is the most comprehensive list of interesting exhibitions during Munich Jewellery Week from 28 February until 3 March 2024; it is still a selection but the only one that is objective and does not base its selection and promotion conditional on the payment of a fee.
You can download it here or pick up a hard-copy at the Internationale Handwerksmesse.